Climate Neutrality

Climate neutrality

The University of Bern’s goal of achieving climate neutrality by 2025 in those areas in which it can exert a direct influence requires careful analysis and the considered planning of measures.

The university's greenhouse gas balance, which the university compiles with the help of an external consultancy, serves as the basis. A thorough analysis of the current situation is necessary to identify those areas in which greenhouse gas emissions are directly or indirectly generated and which the university can influence. The first greenhouse gas balance of the University of Bern was prepared for the year 2019, which serves as the reference year. 

Based on the greenhouse gas balance, abatement potentials can be determined and abatement measures can be defined. Close cooperation with all University stakeholders is of great importance here.

The goal of a climate-neutral university 2025 cannot be achieved with abatement measures alone, but only with the additional offsetting of unavoidable greenhouse gas emissions. It is therefore necessary to develop a suitable offsetting strategy to supplement the abatement measures and to establish offsetting accordingly.